AnnaMarie has worked as a nephrology dietitian for over 25 years in a variety of settings from clinical to pharmaceutical including clinical, sales, education, and renal medical affairs. She is currently an Independent Consultant, the owner of Nutrition Directions LLC, and employed by Pentec Health as a Renal Clinical Retention Specialist. She has served and chaired several boards including the South and Central Texas National Kidney Foundation Medical Advisory Board, San Antonio Council of Renal Nutrition, Renal Practice Group DPG, Wisconsin Council of Renal Nutrition, and Vegetarian DPG Speaker Bureau. Currently, she serves on the Academy’s Quality Management Committee, WI/IL/N.CA State Coordinator for VN DPG, Region One Ambassador for DIFM DPG, a board member of the Plant-based Prevention of Disease organization, VN DPG Past Chair, Managing Editor for the VN DPG Newsletter, and the Professional Education Chair for WAND. She is a Master Gardener, a lifelong learner, and a public speaker since 2000. Her passions include halting the progression of kidney disease through nutrition education.